April Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 646th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Monday April 29, 2019

The 646th meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7:00 pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 9 regular members and 4 Officers present.


Prospective member Doran Check gave his third reading. Prospective member Nick Guraccio gave his second reading and Prospective member Jim Mitchell gave his first reading.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was given by Jerry Thomas and approved by the membership. A motion to pay the bills was made and seconded.


We received a letter from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection wanting to know if we would be interested in mine subsidence insurance. The membership voted to reject the offer.

Field Report

The Spring Cleanup was held at the field on April 27th. Six members showed up and spent a combined total of 25.5 hours in cutting grass, pruning overhanging bushes and trees limbs, and removing fallen trees from the perimeter. The first coat of paint was applied to the front gate by Ron Steban.

Old Business

Eric Haberman contacted Rogers Scapes through Norwin Landscaping Supply to provide an estimate for grading the hillside in front of the KCRC sign and the north side of the driveway. He estimated $7500 to perform the work. The membership declined the offer and decided that no further action was required to improve the landscaping in those areas.

Stouffer Paving provided 2 estimates to pave the parking lot and 150 feet of driveway toward the end of the cross runway. The cost to pave over the existing material in those areas would be $9875. To excavate (completely remove the existing material), new gravel base and pave would be $14.000. The membership declined the offer. Jerry Thomas will persue tar and chip and report at the May (June 3rd ) meeting.

The membership unanimously voted to purchase the Cyclone Rake for grass collection on the runway. The firm price for the unit, deck adapted and shipping is $2135. The unit will be shipped to ExOne c/o Mike Shepherd on Friday May 4 and delivered to the field on Saturday by Dave Popovic.

We are going to try Sevin concentrated insecticide to control gnats and other fling insects that interfere with flight operations. The solution will be applied to the runway with our 40 gallon sprayer.

Jerry Thomas asked the membership if there was any interest in the Warbird pylon races this flying season. The planes are available from Tower Hobbies. Tentative dates will reported at the next meeting.

New Business

Mike reminded the membership that the Club picnic dates are June 23, July 21, August 18, and September 15. This year the Club will only provide hotdogs, hamburgers, condiments, and bottled water. Members are responsible for their own beverages other than water, and please bring a covered dish or dessert as usual.

The May meeting will be held Monday June 3rd at the field. In case of rain, the meeting will be held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7:00 pm.

Show and Tell

Eric Haberman brought in a wing and horizontal stabilizer from the Grumman Goose he is currently scratch building from ¾” EPS foam. He described various techniques for overlaying the foam with fiberglass cloth and finishing resin to improve the strength of the empennage. The fuselage and wings will be covered in ½ oz cloth and water based polyurethane so that those surfaces can be completely sealed and spray painted without damaging the foam.

A motion to adjourn concluded the meeting at 7:47 pm.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC

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