Download here: New Member Packet
- Obtain an application form on-line from the Club website or request one from the Club Secretary. Applications are available at regular Club meetings and at the flying field.
- Before we can accept your application, you must have a current AMA membership card or proof of application for an AMA membership (a). You are also required to have an FAA Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Certificate of Registration at the time of application (b).
- At a regular Club meeting, submit your completed application with a check for the application fee to the Club Treasurer. The applicant will be issued a Prospective Member card
- The applicant will receive a Site Map, a copy of the Field Rules , and a copy of the Club By-Law. All found below
- Each prospective member is required to have three (3) readings within five (5) months. The applicant must be present at a meeting to qualify as having a reading. A reading may also take place at the field providing a quorum is present.
- A reading shall consist of the prospective member introducing himself to the members present, giving his past modeling experience and any other information that would pertain to his (or her) desire to become a regular member, and must be prepared to answer questions from the members present.
- During this period, the prospective member can fly at the field if accompanied by a member in good standing, providing he has been checked out by an instructor. If the prospective member does not know how to fly his plane, we have knowledgeable instructors to teach them.
- The prospective member will not be able to vote on Club issues, but is encouraged to attend all Club meetings and engage in all Club activities.
- Prospective members are not permitted to bring guest flyers to the field.
- After completing three (3) readings, the prospective member must wait an additional three (3) months to allow the regular members an opportunity to observe the applicant at the flying field. The Club will then vote on acceptance of the applicant into the membership.
- After the prospective member has been voted in as a regular member, he will be issued a key to the entrance gate. The procedure for this lock is to: 1) open the lock, 2) open the gate, 3) immediately secure the lock on the gate post, so no one can steal the lock from the open gate.
- It is Club policy is to discourage any individual from flying alone. There is always the possibility of having an accident that would require immediate medical attention.
Keystone Clippers’ Field Rules and Regulations
- All KCRC flyers must have a current AMA membership card and FAA Small UAS Certificate of Registration in their possession at the field.
- Both of these numbers are also to be displayed on the Club members aircraft OR inside a compartment that is readily accessible without using tools. Membership aircraft ID cards are provided by the Club.
- All Club members must have a current KCRC membership card, or a prospective member card in their possession at the field.
- Guests that fly on the property must be invited by a member in good standing and have a current AMA membership card and FAA Small UAS Certificate of Registration in their possession at the field.
- All model aircraft must be airworthy and subject to a safety inspection by the Field Control Officer (FCO) on demand.
- All flyers must RANGE CHECK their radio equipment prior to their initial flight that day.
- Before each flight, all flyers must check their airplane and radio for proper operation and control surface orientation.
- All model airplane engines must have an effective muffler.
- All flyers, while flying at the same time with other flyers, must make his (her) intentions known to these flyers, i.e. taxiing out to take-off, landing, engine or other mechanical problems, crossing the field for plane retrieval. Use common sense.
- Engine break-in will not be done at the flight line. The FCO will designate the proper area to break-in an engine.
- All 72 MHz transmitters will be impounded inside the pavilion until cleared by the FCO.
- All flyers MUST ATTACH their frequency pin to their 72 MHz transmitter antenna.
- All 72 MHz transmitters will carry a plainly visible color coded flag (red), and the correct channel number, as per current standards.Every 72 MHz transmitter and frequency pin will have the owners name on it.
- Members or visitors must not litter anywhere on the property. Bring a container and take your litter with you when you leave – this includes cigarette butts.
- Visitors and spectators are not permitted in the pit or flying area unless in the company of a member in good standing.
- Children are restricted from playing in the pit or on the flying field.
- Cars will not be driven on the field unless an injury or accident requires it to be done.
- Cars will be parked only in the designated parking areas.
- No alcoholic beverages are permitted or condoned on the club property at any time. This rule is irrevocable.
- Flyers will not damage the property of adjoining owners in an attempt to recover a lost or downed aircraft. Each individual is personally responsible to the other property owner in the event of such damage or claim.
- Flyers are permitted one (1) guest only on the flying field area at any one time in the pit area or at the pad.
- Taxiing out for take-off from the pit area is permitted, but all returning aircraft must taxi parallel to the flight line and all engines must be stopped outside the pit area.
- Take-offs will only be made when clear of the pit area and centered on the level portion of the runway.
- A flyer must control his aircraft while it is in the air from one of the concrete pads located parallel to the east/west runway.
- Regardless of altitude, absolutely no flying will be permitted over the pit area, the spectator area, or the parking lot.
- Flying is not permitted over the restricted area designated on the flying field map.
- All flights must be limited to 15 minutes, if another member on the same frequency desires to fly his plane, and tells you so.
- Electric Flying is permitted from dawn until dusk everyday.
- No gasoline or fuel aircraft flying is permitted before 9:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday.
- No gasoline or fuel aircraft flying is permitted before 12:00 noon on Sunday.
- Kerosene turbine powered jets are not permitted to be flown on KCRC property.
- In the absence of the elected FCO, any club officer is considered the Field Control Officer (FCO). Responsibility is directed in order of club officer rank, that is President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or a member of the Advisory Committee.
- In the event of the absence of all Club officers, a member in good standing holding the highest seniority at the field will be the responsible FCO.
- All members must abide by the decisions of the FCO. Appeals can be made at the next regular club meeting.
- Violation of ANY field rule will be disciplined as follows: 1) first offense - verbal warning, 2) second offense - loss of that days flying privileges. Discipline for repeated offenses will be decided by the Advisory Committee.
- Training of new pilots can be done by any member or prospective member in good standing. All training must be done using the “Buddy Box” method. New pilots are not permitted to fly solo without first performing a check flight approved by the FCO or one of the club instructors. In the case of the aircraft not being equipped with a “Buddy Box” system, then the training will only be done with one of the club instructors or the FCO.
- Membership Incentive Program
- The purpose of this program is to encourage membership participation in all Club events including meetings and maintenance activities. Prospective and regular members in good standing shall be awarded points for their participation that will be deducted from their yearly Club dues up to 100%. One (1) point is equal to $2.00.
- The following points will be awarded to Club members:
- Grass cutting crew – three (3) points per member per scheduled cutting
- Work party participation – one (1) point per hour worked
The Field Maintenance Supervisor (FMS) or his designee shall provide a record of attendance and hours worked at scheduled work parties to the Club Secretary.
- Work details beyond the scope of scheduled work parties (i.e. rolling the field when necessary, preparation for special events, emergency equipment maintenance, or any other deemed appropriate by the FMS) must be reported to the FMS at completion of the work. Compensation will be awarded at a rate of 1 point per hour.
- Pets are permitted on the property but be must remain on a leash and attended at all times.
- Drones and helicopters shall only be flown over the south end of the property while other aircraft is either on, or flying over the runway – this is the field between Oggs Lane and the driveway.
- Pilots are required to control their aircraft from the south end of the cross runway only and they must be able to communicate with pilots on the flight line in the case of an emergency or if the cross runway will be used for take-off or landing.
- When conditions permit, drones and helicopters may be flown from the runway providing no other aircraft intends to fly at that time. Fixed wing aircraft always has the right-of-way. Drone and helicopter flights are limited to 15 minutes.