Minutes of the 682nd Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club
AMA Charter 553
Saturday September 24, 2022
The 682nd business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the field at 1 pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 12 regular members and 4 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the August meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Carl Schuster gave the treasurers report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the August Treasurers report and to pay any outstanding bills.
The MARC’s annual swap and auction will be held at the Delmont Firehall on Saturday November 5. Doors open at 7am. Jim Kealey will reserve tables for Club members. There will only be 25 tables available this year. Cost is $10.00 per table.
Field Report
The runway and property are in excellent condition. The new GeoTex runway is now being used on regular basis. The seam on the taxiway to the runway was taped with 6” wide commercial grade roofing tape to evaluate its effectiveness in adhering to the GeoTex. If this material is satisfactory we will tape the entire length of the runway by mid October. The centerline of the runway will also be hash-marked with 4” wide white roofing tape, and an “X” per FAA standards will be applied at both ends to identify that it’s not open to civilian aircraft.
The Club is currently negotiating with the Sewickley Rec Center to determine cost and schedule for indoor flying at Herminie every other Friday starting mid November through March 2023.
Old Business
A 20” x 16” x 10” steel NEMA 65 enclosure box for the first aid kit and fire extinguisher as been received and will be permanently installed in the pavilion within the next few weeks.
RF locators are available for $40.00 each. The transmitters are 1” diameter x ½” thick with Velcro female backing and are easily transferable to any plane. Contact Secy Eric Haberman to document purchase. They are also available at the business meetings.
New Business
VP Jim Kealey reiterated that the FAA will be accepting applications for site FRIA certifications in the future. The original date was mid September but that has been delayed, and CBOs have not yet been identified. More information will be made available when it actually happens.
The next Club business meeting will be held at the Circleville United Methodist Church in Circleville on Monday October 24 at 7pm.
President Mike Shepherd is coordinating the Christmas party with Rodney’s Restaurant on Arona Road, Irwin. The party will be held on December 4th starting at 5pm.
Show and Tell
The meeting concluded at 130 pm.
Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC