October Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 683rd  Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Monday October 24, 2022

The 683rd business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 5 regular members and 4 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the September meeting minutes.



Treasurer’s Report

President Mike Shepherd gave the treasurers report in Carl Schuster’s absence. A motion was made and seconded to accept the September Treasurers report and to pay any outstanding bills.


Reminder that the MARC’s annual swap and auction will be held at the Delmont Firehall on Saturday November 5. Doors open at 7am. Jim Kealey is reserving tables for Club members. There will only be a total of 25 tables available this year. Cost is $10.00 per table.

Field Report

The runway and property are in excellent condition. Final cutting was done October 15 and the tractors were winterized. We have 10 gallon of stabilized fuel remaining for Spring ’23.

Sealing tape was applied over the center seam of the runway on October 21. Centerline hash marking is deferred until Spring ‘23. The “X” per FAA standards will be applied at both ends to identify that it’s not open to civilian aircraft by the end of the year.

Labuda has scheduled and will perform Spring maintenance including battery replacement in early April 2023. Positive terminal disconnect will be installed on both batteries.

The safety barrier between the pads and the spectator area will remain in-place through Spring ‘23 followed by new fencing.

The Club is continuing to negotiate with the Sewickley Rec Center to determine cost and schedule for indoor flying at Herminie every other Friday starting mid November through March 2023 (total of 11 sessions).

Sewickley Township Maintenance has recently made improvement to Oggs Lane.

Old Business

A 20” x 16” x 10” steel NEMA 65 enclosure box for the first aid kit and fire extinguisher in now permanently installed in the pavilion.

Reminder that RF locators are available for $40.00 each. The transmitters are 1” diameter x ½” thick with Velcro female backing and are easily transferable to any plane. Contact Secy Eric Haberman to document purchase. They are also available at the business meetings.

New Business

Officers and Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday October 25 at the Brick Oven on Clay Pike, N. Huntingdon. The 2023 agenda includes the Club budget, potential facility updates, events calendar, education topics, and FAA/AMA site registration requirements.

VP Jim Kealey gave an update on FRIA certification, and stated that the FAA has appointed the AMA as a CBO, so there is some progress.

Prizes for Christmas party will be coordinated by Carl and Jim. Joyce Thomas will donate one of Jerry’s remaining kits to the Club at the party.

President Mike Shepherd is coordinating the Christmas party with Rodney’s Restaurant on Arona Road, Irwin. The party will be held on December 4th starting at 5pm and expenses will be covered by the Club treasury.

Sewickley Emergency Management used the field for drone practice on Sunday October 23.

Show and Tell

Eric Haberman displayed a foamy Citabria indoor plane. All parts were cut from 3mm depron by a DIY foam cutting machine made from internet plans. 

The meeting concluded at 750 pm.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC