November Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 674th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Monday November 29, 2021

The 674th meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 7 regular members and 4 Officers present.



Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was given by Jerry Thomas and approved by the membership. A motion to pay the bills was made and seconded.


Lebanon 41st Annual RC Expo is March 12, 2022.

MARCS Flea Mart and Auction is March 26 at the Delmont Event Center.

Field Report

Field is good condition, the runway is flyable for larger or STOL aircraft. The property was cleaned up on November 20 and the KCRC sign was taken down and stored.

Old Business

Reminder that the AMA website has posted the TRUST test. Although not mandatory at this time, the assumption is that all AMA members will need to pass the test at some point in order to renew their registration. The Club Officers expectation is that the membership will have taken the test by the end of the year.

All membership personal checks have now been received for the KCRC Christmas party to be held at Rodney’s on December 5.

Please have your 2022 dues paid by December 31 to avoid the $25.00 late fee. The Club Treasurer is requesting separate checks for dues and for the Christmas party.

New Business

An Advisory Committee meeting was held on November 9 to discuss a few items that were brought up during the October meeting. The agenda included updating the By-Laws, adding Park Flyer membership in accordance with the AMA Park Pilot program, possible reduction of annual Club dues, E-meetings using the LINE app for members who can’t attend regular meetings, and adding RC topics, demos and training for discussion at bi-monthly meetings. The Advisory Committee will define these requirements and present their recommendations to the membership at the January Club business meeting.

The Advisory Committee approved LIFE memberships to Club members over 80 years of age. Dues for LIFE members is not required.

Jim Kealey offered to update and revise the By-Laws, to include all of the topics discussed by the Advisory Committee meeting at the January Club business meeting.

The Club proposed having a stainless steel locked box permanently mounted in the pavilion that would include a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and an AED (automated external defibrillator). Jim Kealey will contact Sewickley Township EMS (emergency medical service) for acquisition of this unit.

The Sewickley Township Emergency Services has requested Club assistance to qualify their drone pilots to FAA requirements. Dave Woody offered to initiate a training program and to provide them with necessary help in order to qualify.

Bo Kwasny recommended installing solar panels on the equipment container to charge tractor batteries.

Member In Good-Standing (MIGS) cards will be distributed at the January Club business meeting. Having a MIGS card indicates that the Club member has completed the TRUST test, yearly Club and AMA dues have been paid, and current FAA registration. 

The annual KCRC Christmas party will be held Sunday December 5 and starts at 5pm at Rodney’s on Arona Rd. Chinese auction for prizes and party baskets have been purchased.

The 2022 Club Officers election was be held at the meeting. A motion was made and seconded to re-elect the current Officers for another term. Carl Schuster replaced Curt Hughes on the Advisory Committee. The Club Secretary cast one vote for re-election of the existing officers.

Eric Haberman contacted the Sewickley Recreation Center coordinator regarding open dates for Club indoor flying.

Show and Tell


The meeting concluded at 815 pm.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC.