May Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 678th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Sunday June 5, 2022

The 678th business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the field at noon and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 9 regular members and 5 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the April meeting minutes.


Brian Hilgert, Ray Hilgert and Bruce Cimino gave their first readings.

Treasurer’s Report

Carl Schuster gave the treasurers report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report.



Field Report

The runway and property are in good condition. Weed killer has been applied to the driveway and parking lot and pavilion perimeter. The windsock pole is broken and needs to be replaced or relocated.

GeoTex Runway Project

At the April business meeting the Club decided to poll the membership for approval of the expenditure and their commitment to help with the installation of the GeoTex runway. Voting commenced on the KCRC LINE app on Friday May 13th, and continued through Tuesday May 17th. Of the 25 voting Club members, 23 voted in favor of the runway, 2 voted no, 2 members did not vote, and 18 committed to help with the installation.  VP Jim Kealey ordered the Geotex Runway material from US Fabrics.

President Mike Shepherd proposed Friday May 20th as the project kick-off date and invited the Advisory Committee and general membership to the field at 11am to identify the best location for the GeoTex runway. Dave Woody offered to survey the field and stake-out the perimeter of the decided location, and map the portion of the existing runway to be used for the GeoTex.

On Sunday May 22 Bo Kwasny and Dave Woody surveyed and plotted the GeoTex runway based on the initial location staked out by the Club on Friday May 20th.  They posted pictures of the survey on the LINE app that afternoon.

On Monday May 23 an Advisory Committee meeting was called at the field at 6pm to develop a schedule for installation. Decision made not to put up windsock or find another location.


The GeoTex runway has been layed-out and staked, grass is killed, ready to dig the 225 ft long and 29 ft wide trench envelope - including a 30 ft long and 15 ft wide taxiway from the runway’s east threshold to the #3 pad across from the cross-runway.

Ditch-witching will commence Friday June 24 at 0900, followed by the GeoTex roll-out and stapling on Saturday June 25 at 0900.

FRIDAY - Bo Kwasny will start cutting the runway perimeter on Friday morning followed by clearing the trench of soil and debris. The installers are requested to bring shovels and rakes.

SATURDAY - In preparation for the GeoTex installation, we will move the 2 rolls of GeoTex from the clean container and stage it at the runway and start the installation.

Installation - approximately 6″ the material around the perimeter will be folded into the trench, stapled, then back-filled with dirt and smoothed out. Both sides will be done simultaneously in order to maintain the centerline overlap which will be stapled down the center of the runway. The final operation is sealing the center overlap with plasticized roofing cement and planting grass.  

Old Business

Reminder that the 2nd annual KCRC flea mart/swap/fun-fly date is scheduled for Saturday September 17. Rain date is September 24. VP Jim Kealey is in-charge of the event, contact him for tables.

The next picnic/business meeting will be held on Sunday June 26.  

Reminder that the memorial ceremony for Jerry will be held at the field on Sunday July 17 at noon. The Club decided not to cater this event. Prizes will be ordered and raffled.

A NEMA outdoor enclosure will be ordered and mounted in the pavilion to house the fire extinguisher and a first aid kit, and possibly an AED unit; we are still investigating a power source to keep the unit charged.

The Club is waiting for Sewickley Township Emergency Services to contact us about their Drone qualification program. Dave Woody has offered to initiate a training program once we understand their requirements in order for them to qualify to 14CFR107.

New Business

A Club credit card will be issued to Dave Popovic to pay for gasoline for the tractors.

Club approved new Club T-shirts and hats.

Bo added the 3 new potential members to the LINE app for Club communications.

Show and Tell


The meeting concluded at 1245 pm.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC