Minutes of the 676th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club
AMA Charter 553
Monday March 28, 2022
The 676th business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 8 regular members and 3 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the February meeting minutes.
New youth member Kyle Shumber and former member Scott Baldridge gave readings. Both were unanimously voted in to Club membership.
Treasurer’s Report
Carl Schuster gave the treasurers report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report.
Received a survey from the GP ARCS Club on how to improve membership was distributed to the Club. Surveys will be collected at the April meeting.
Field Report
Field is good condition, the runway is flyable for larger or STOL aircraft. Spring clean-up work party is tentatively scheduled for April 23rd, date and time depending on weather conditions. Tractors will need an oil change and deck belts replaced. Grass cutting schedule has been posted to the website.
Old Business
Club treasury was audited for year 2021 – no findings to report.
The 2nd annual KCRC flea mart/swap/fun-fly date is Saturday September 17. Rain date is September 24.
Reminder that the memorial ceremony for Jerry will be held by the Club at the field on Sunday July 17 at noon.
The Club is planning to have the first aid box available by May of this year. Vice President Jim Kealey is investigating the cost and availability of an AED unit.
Club member Greg Lowry has the lead on selecting and installing solar panels on the equipment container to charge tractor batteries and the AED.
The Sewickley Township Emergency Services has requested Club assistance to qualify their drone pilots to FAA requirements. Dave Woody offered to initiate a training program and to provide them with necessary help in order to qualify.
New Business
The Club had a lengthy discussion regarding installation of a Geotex runway at the field. The material is available in 300’ x 15’ rolls; the cost is $1000 with $300 delivery to a place of business where it can be off-loaded. Initially the Club thought that a single roll would be sufficient for smaller electric planes. Mark Yothers explained that the Laurel Highlands Geotex runway is 280’ x 45’ with aprons and presents a fairly large target for landing, and that some clubs have had Geotex runways for 15 years. In terms of preparation and installation Laurel Highlands had a section of their runway mowed close, killed the grass, then laid and stapled the material every 18” to the prepared surface. No excavation or leveling was required at their site. He mentioned that the property was a former lake with a shale bed. Ten (10) of their Club members completed installation in one day. The total cost was $4800 which included a $400 grant from the AMA. Our Club is invited to see the runway at our convenience any day after 9am.
The Club then suggested a 150’ x 30’ ft wide – essentially ½ roll length by twice width and raised a question about the runways location, and if excavation would be required. Dave Woody o
Minutes of the 676th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club
AMA Charter 553
Monday March 28, 2022
The 676th business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 8 regular members and 3 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the February meeting minutes.
New youth member Kyle Shumber and former member Scott Baldridge gave readings. Both were unanimously voted in to Club membership.
Treasurer’s Report
Carl Schuster gave the treasurers report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report.
Received a survey from the GP ARCS Club on how to improve membership was distributed to the Club. Surveys will be collected at the April meeting.
Field Report
Field is good condition, the runway is flyable for larger or STOL aircraft. Spring clean-up work party is tentatively scheduled for April 23rd, date and time depending on weather conditions. Tractors will need an oil change and deck belts replaced. Grass cutting schedule has been posted to the website.
Old Business
Club treasury was audited for year 2021 – no findings to report.
The 2nd annual KCRC flea mart/swap/fun-fly date is Saturday September 17. Rain date is September 24.
Reminder that the memorial ceremony for Jerry will be held by the Club at the field on Sunday July 17 at noon.
The Club is planning to have the first aid box available by May of this year. Vice President Jim Kealey is investigating the cost and availability of an AED unit.
Club member Greg Lowry has the lead on selecting and installing solar panels on the equipment container to charge tractor batteries and the AED.
The Sewickley Township Emergency Services has requested Club assistance to qualify their drone pilots to FAA requirements. Dave Woody offered to initiate a training program and to provide them with necessary help in order to qualify.
New Business
The Club had a lengthy discussion regarding installation of a Geotex runway at the field. The material is available in 300’ x 15’ rolls; the cost is $1000 with $300 delivery to a place of business where it can be off-loaded. Initially the Club thought that a single roll would be sufficient for smaller electric planes. Mark Yothers explained that the Laurel Highlands Geotex runway is 280’ x 45’ with aprons and presents a fairly large target for landing, and that some clubs have had Geotex runways for 15 years. In terms of preparation and installation Laurel Highlands had a section of their runway mowed close, killed the grass, then laid and stapled the material every 18” to the prepared surface. No excavation or leveling was required at their site. He mentioned that the property was a former lake with a shale bed. Ten (10) of their Club members completed installation in one day. The total cost was $4800 which included a $400 grant from the AMA. Our Club is invited to see the runway at our convenience any day after 9am.
The Club then suggested a 150’ x 30’ ft wide – essentially ½ roll length by twice width and raised a question about the runways location, and if excavation would be required. Dave Woody offered to stake out the perimeter and Bo Kwasny offered use of his equipment for leveling and prepping the field.
The president will ask for 10 Club members to commit to the Geotex installation at the April meeting, most likely the deciding factor if we move ahead with the new runway on not.
Vice President Jim Kealey recapped the Application to change Section V “Membership” of the Club ByLaws. Ten (10) Club members signed the application.
Show and Tell
The meeting concluded at 820 pm.
Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC
ffered to stake out the perimeter and Bo Kwasny offered use of his equipment for leveling and prepping the field.
The president will ask for 10 Club members to commit to the Geotex installation at the April meeting, most likely the deciding factor if we move ahead with the new runway on not.
Vice President Jim Kealey recapped the Application to change Section V “Membership” of the Club ByLaws. Ten (10) Club members signed the application.
Show and Tell
The meeting concluded at 820 pm.
Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC