Minutes of the 679th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club
AMA Charter 553
Saturday June 25, 2022
The 679th business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the field at noon after runway installation and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 10 regular members and 4 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the May meeting minutes.
Bruce Cimino gave his second reading.
Treasurer’s Report
Carl Schuster gave the treasurers report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report.
Field Report
The runway and property are in good condition.
GeoTex Runway Project
Seventeen (17) Club members showed up at 430 Friday afternoon June 24 to begin installation. Perimeter trenching was completed and the first roll was positioned, stapled down and back filled by 830 pm. The second roll was positioned prior to leaving property. The following morning fifteen (15) members were on-hand at 800 am to install the second roll including the east taxiway. The runway was completed by 1100 am. Remaining work will include taping the center seam and planting grass around the perimeter.
Old Business
Reminder that the 2nd annual KCRC flea mart/swap/fun-fly date is scheduled for Saturday September 17. Rain date is September 24. VP Jim Kealey is in-charge of the event, contact him for tables.
Reminder that the memorial ceremony for Jerry will be held at the field on Sunday July 17 at noon.
The Club is waiting for Sewickley Township Emergency Services to contact us about their Drone qualification program. Dave Woody has offered to initiate a training program once we understand their requirements in order for them to qualify to 14CFR107.
New Business
A Club credit card has been issued to Dave Popovic to pay for gasoline for the tractors.
The Club approved new T-shirts and hats which will be available at Jerrys memorial.
Show and Tell
The meeting concluded at 1 pm.
Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC