June Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 669th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Sunday June 27, 2021

The 669th meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the KCRC field at 12:00 pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 9 regular members and 3 Officers present.



Treasurer’s Report

No treasurers report given. Jerry Thomas has been hospitalized. Hold all receipts for the July meeting for reimbursement. 



Field Report

The field is in excellent condition. Ray Hurley purchased concentrated insect spray and weed killer for the field. We will apply as soon as the weather permits.

The gutter on the east end of the pavilion was repaired by Dave Woody. The Club voted and seconded the motion to offer double incentive points for those who volunteer to help out with off-schedule grass cutting.

Dave Popovic and Ray Hurley volunteered to cut grass over the July 4th weekend.

Old Business

AMA has been named as an FAA agent to administer the TRUST UAS knowledge test. All Club members are required to pass the test to maintain flying privileges.

Mike Shepherd suggested having the picnics catered by a local vendor. The Club voted and seconded the motion to have the July 25th picnic catered. Dave Popovic and Greg Lowry will contact a caterer for that meeting and also purchase a plane for the raffle.   

Food for the June picnic was prepared and delivered by Jan Shepherd. 

New Business

Mike Shepherd informed the Club that the Geotex material we talked about at the May meeting is not available for private sale. Mike visited a local greenhouse and obtained a  sample of BFG woven polyester cloth to evaluate. Ray Hurley will contact US Fabrics for sample of their material for evaluation also. They will report findings at the August meeting.

The Club discussed holding a Swap and Fly-in at the field in late August or September. Local Clubs will be invited to participate. Details and dates will be decided at the July 25th meeting.

Show and Tell


SE5-A ARF was raffled and won by James Mitchell.

The meeting concluded at 1230 pm followed by the second annual Club picnic.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC.