July meeting minutes

Minutes of the 670th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Sunday July 25, 2021

The 670th meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the KCRC field at 12:00 pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 10 regular members and 4 Officers present.



Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was given by Jerry Thomas and approved by the membership. A motion to pay the bills was made and seconded.


Cumberland slope and thermal event is scheduled for August 13, 14, and 15. An open event for all types of planes is scheduled for September 22. Contact Mark Yothers for details.

Acme dam float fly is scheduled for August 21 and September 11. Flying starts at 10 am through 4pm. Contact Jerry Thomas for details.

Field Report

The field is in good condition. Mowers have been serviced and decks overhauled by Bo Kwasny after a few minor issues with belts and pulleys. Ray Hurley sprayed weed killer around the pavilion, between the storage containers, and in the parking lot.

We discussed replacing the KCRC sign with something easier to store and handle. Eric Haberman offered to investigate and propose new a replacement sign at the August meeting. To be in compliance with the new FAA regulations for UAS the sign must include our AMA Charter number and the GPS coordinates for the site.

Old Business

AMA website has posted the TRUST test. The expectation is that all AMA members pass the test in order to renew their registration. You must pass the test to maintain your KCRC Club membership also.

New Business

Jim Kealey suggested a Swap and Fly-in at our field on September 18 with a rain date of September 25. A motion was made and seconded to go ahead with the plan. The Club officers and any other members are invited to to help plan the event. It was suggested that the Club supply bottled water, donuts, and coffee only, all other attendee should bring their own food and beverages. Gate will be open at 7am for set up. Swap starts at 8am through noon with flying from noon until 4pm.

Ray Hurley, Jim Kealey, and Mike Shepherd have been investigating suppliers for landscaping cloth to be used as a runway for small electric aircraft. They will report findings at the August meeting.

Show and Tell


The meeting concluded at 1225 pm followed by the second annual Club picnic.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC.