Minutes of the 675th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club
AMA Charter 553
Monday February 28, 2022
The 675th business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 11 regular members and 3 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the November meeting minutes. The President also announced the passing of Treasurer Jerry Thomas and that a new Treasurer will be elected and voted in at tonight’s meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
President Mike Shepherd announced to the Club that the Treasurer’s report for December 2021 through February 2022 will be given at the March Club business meeting after the new treasurer has been elected and the 2021 audit completed.
CPAA Lebanon 41st Annual RC Expo is March 12, 2022.
MARCS Flea Mart and Auction is March 26 at the Delmont Event Center.
Field Report
Field is good condition, the runway is flyable for larger or STOL aircraft.
Old Business
President Mike Shepherd appointed Tony Mincucci, Dave Popovic and Andy Levino to audit the Club treasury for year 2021 and to report their findings at the March meeting.
The Advisory Committee approved LIFE memberships to Club members over 80 years of age. Dues for LIFE members are not required.
New Business
A motion was made and seconded to nominate Carl Schuster as new Club Treasurer. The membership voted unanimously to elect Carl, replacing former Treasurer Jerry Thomas. Curt Hughes was appointed by President Mike Shepherd to fill Carl Schuster’s seat on the Advisory Committee.
A motion to was made and seconded to add Park Flyers to the Club roster in accordance with the AMA Park Pilot program. The Club membership voted unanimously to accept Park Pilots into Club membership providing they have both AMA Park Pilot and FAA registration and have completed the AMA/FAA TRUST test. Membership will be limited to 10 Park Flyers.
A motion was made and seconded to donate $500.00 to the St Jude Children’s Hospital on behalf of Jerry Thomas. The motion was unanimously approved. Club member Greg Lowry is matching the donation.
A memorial ceremony for Jerry will be held by the Club at the field on Sunday July 17 at noon. Local clubs will be asked to participate. A motion was made and seconded to change the name of the site to Jerry Thomas Field, add a permanent plaque in the pavilion of Jerry and to purchase a brick for the AMA Walk Fame in his memory. The motion was unanimously approved.
2022 business meeting/picnic dates are as follows:
Sunday June 26
Sunday July 24 – Dave Woody in charge of food and raffle prizes.
Sunday August 28
Sunday September 25
The Club will ask for volunteers at each business meeting to handle the food, cooking, and raffle prizes for the summer picnics.
The 2nd annual KCRC flea mart/swap/fun-fly date is Saturday September 17. Rain date is September 24.
The Club is planning to have the first aid box available by May of this year. Vice President Jim Kealey is investigating the cost and availability of an AED unit. There may be maintenance and charging issues associated with this equipment that may prohibit its readiness at the Club. He will report his progress at the March meeting.
Club member Greg Lowry has the lead on selecting and installing solar panels on the equipment container to charge tractor batteries.
Club member Bill Pilesi requested an update on the current FAA sUAS rulings and registration to be addressed at the March meeting.
Joyce Thomas is having an open house for Club members on Saturday March 5 from 10am to 2pm for anyone interested in purchasing any of Jerry’s models and accessories, including shop tools and equipment.
Vice President Jim Kealey is in the process of updating the By-Laws, to include all of the topics discussed at the January Advisory Committee meeting.
The Sewickley Township Emergency Services has requested Club assistance to qualify their drone pilots to FAA requirements. Dave Woody offered to initiate a training program and to provide them with necessary help in order to qualify.
Member In Good-Standing (MIGS) cards were distributed at the Club business meeting. Having a MIGS card indicates that the Club member has completed the TRUST test, yearly Club and AMA dues have been paid, and current FAA registration.
The annual KCRC Christmas party will be held Sunday December 4 and starts at 4pm at Rodney’s on Arona Rd. Chinese auction for prizes and party baskets have been purchased.
A motion was made and seconded to pay Sewickley Recreation Center for indoor flying every other Friday night starting March 5th through April 30th for a total of 5 sessions at $40.00 each plus a $100.00 security deposit. The motion was unanimously approved.
Show and Tell
The meeting concluded at 810 pm.
Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC.