February Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 666th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Monday February 28, 2021

The 666th meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7:00 pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 4 regular members and 4 Officers present.



Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was given by Jerry Thomas and approved by the membership. A motion to pay the bills was made and seconded.


The Toledo RC Swap Meet Auction and Fun Fly returns to the Seagate Center on Friday April 9th from 9a to 5p, and Saturday April 10th from 9a to 2p. You can reserve a table online at ToledoRCSwapMeet.com.

DAYTON MODELRAMA  - One of the Country’s largest Swap Meet, Auction & Trade Showwill be held at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 645 Infirmary Rd, Dayton, on April 23 and 24, 2021. This AMA sanctioned event is sponsored by the Dayton Wingmasters RC Club. Several of the KCRC Club members are planning to attend and visit the Air Force museum on Sunday April 25th. Contact Jerry Thomas for details.

Field Report

The field is in good condition.

Old Business

Jim Kealey reported that the FAA UAS Part 107 testing will most likely commence this summer. All Club members must pass the 25 question multiple choice test in order to legally fly at our field. See the following link for detailed information: (ctrl + click to follow the link)


More information - copy and paste to your browser:


Reminder that the March meeting will be held at the Sewickley Recreation Center (Rec Center) on Friday April 2nd. We will be flying ultra-micro planes (no multi-rotors) in the gym on the 2nd floor immediately after the meeting starting at 7pm through 9pm.

The April meeting will also be held at the Rec Center followed by indoor flying in the gym on Friday May 7th.

New Business

David Woody was unanimously voted in as Field Safety Officer in the absence of Ron Steban.

We are sad to report the passing of Bob Hayden last month. The Club unanimously voted to send a $75 check to his widow.

Float fly dates at Acme Dam have not been confirmed. We hope to have those dates for the March meeting.

Show and Tell


The meeting concluded at 7:45 pm.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC