Minutes of the 677th Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club
AMA Charter 553
Monday April 25, 2022
The 677th business meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at Rodney’s Restaurant at 7pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 8 regular members and 3 Officers present. A motion was made and seconded to accept the March meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Carl Schuster gave the treasurers report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report.
Field Report
The runway and property are in good condition. Spring clean-up was help on Saturday April 23rd. There was no damage to report other than a few broken tree branches in the picnic area. Oil was changed in both tractors. Drive belts will be replaced at a later date. The 2022 KCRC grass cutting schedule has been posted to the website.
Old Business
Reminder that the 2nd annual KCRC flea mart/swap/fun-fly date is tentatively scheduled for Saturday September 17. Rain date is September 24. VP Jim Kealey is in-charge of the event, contact him for tables.
Reminder that the memorial ceremony for Jerry will be held at the field on Sunday July 17 at noon.
The Club is planning to have a permanent enclosure to house a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and possibly an AED unit; we are investigating a power source to keep the unit charged. VP Jim Kealey will report on the AED at the May meeting. Club member Greg Lowry has the lead on selecting and installing solar panels on the equipment container to charge tractor batteries and possibly the AED.
The Club is waiting for Sewickley Township Emergency Services to contact us about their Drone qualification program. Dave Woody has offered to initiate a training program once we understand their requirements in order for them to qualify to 14CFR107.
New Business
After discussing the purchase price and estimated installation costs of the GeoTextile runway, the Club decided to poll the Club membership regarding approval of the expenditure and their commitment to help install. Voting will be done on the KCRC LINE app starting on Friday May 13th through Tuesday May 17th. Providing the voting results are favorable, the tentative project kick-off date is Friday May 20th to map the portion of the existing runway to be used for the GeoTextile. The Advisory Committee and general membership is invited to the field Friday May 20th at 11am to decide the best location. Dave Woody will survey and stake-out the perimeter of the decided location
Show and Tell
The meeting concluded at 730 pm.
Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC