October Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 652nd Meeting of the Keystone Clippers Model Aircraft Club

AMA Charter 553

Monday October 28, 2019

The 652nd meeting of the Keystone Clippers was held at the Circleville United Methodist Church at 7:00 pm and called to order by President Mike Shepherd with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There were 6 regular members and 3 Officers present. There was no quorum, so voting on Club issues did not take place.


James Mitchell Jr and Doran Check were unanimously voted in as Club members.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was given by Jerry Thomas and approved by the membership. A motion to pay the bills was made and seconded.


Reminder that the MARCS flea market and auction will be held at the Delmont Event Center this Saturday November 2nd. Doors open at 730am for table setup, 8am for general admission, and the auction starts at 9am. See the MARCS.org website for more details. Tables can be purchased at the door.

Field Report

The field and equipment are in good condition. This year the mowers will be serviced by Labuda to identify and fix the deck height problem, install new batteries, replace all old fluids, and address any general maintenance issues. Labuda is scheduled for Monday November 11 to pick up the tractors at the field.

Floor vents screens in the equipment container have been replaced with stainless steel mesh that should help deter unwanted visitors.

The bat-box purchased by Andy Levino is now in place on the northwest corner of the cross runway.

The KCRC Sign needs to be taken down and stored in the clean equipment container.

Old Business

Mike reminded the membership about the up coming Christmas party at the Norwin ELKS on Sunday December 1st. Reservations need to be placed by November 15.

A motion was made and seconded to make a $2 entry in the treasurer’s ledger to correct a previous audit finding in the balance sheet.

New Business

The new website is not working out as expected. A suggestion was made to purchase new software, get a new domain and a dedicated webmaster, or return to the older keystoneclippers.com site and allow the former webmaster to do updates as needed. In the meantime the monthly meeting minutes will be e-mailed as a pdf file to the membership. Club members can download the free Acrobat Reader DC from the internet if they do not have pdf reading capability.

The change to Article III Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws - changing the Quorum requirements to nine (9) members in good standing which includes two (2) Club officers – has had the second signoff. The third and final signoff will be done at the November meeting and the revision will be in effect January 2020.

The membership suggested adding voting by proxy to Article X for all Club business via e-mail. After a brief discussion the addition was rejected.

There was no nominating committee this year so nominations were solicited from the floor for new Club and Advisory Committee officers. James Kealey was nominated as a candidate for Vice President. It was noted that the current Club Treasure and Secretary would be completing their third term this year, however the Club elected to maintain the Current Officers and Advisory Committee for 2020 and recommended changing the Constitution and By-Laws Article II Section I and Section II to allow unlimited terms for Club Officers and Advisory Committee members. The Application for Constitution and By-Laws Changes will be submitted at the November meeting.

The Club decided to defer purchasing an additional sea land container until next year.

Show and Tell


A motion to adjourn concluded the meeting at 7:55 pm.

Eric R Haberman, Secretary KCRC

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